A General Dentist Answers TMJ FAQs

Tmj Houston, TX

General dentists are here to answer any questions one might have about temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJ). These are problems that affect the sliding hinge-like joints that connect the lower jaw and the rest of the skull.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about TMJ disorders

Here are the answers to some of the questions individuals might have about the temporomandibular joints and issues that can affect them:

1. What are TMJ disorders?

Temporomandibular joint disorders affect the joints that connect the skull to the lower jaw. Problems that arise there can lead to symptoms like pain and discomfort coming from the jaw and the muscles around them. TMJ problems can also lead to migraines and headaches.

2. What are the most common symptoms of temporomandibular joint disorders?

TMJ disorders often come with symptoms like clicking or popping sounds coming from the jaw, pain coming from the temporomandibular joints, jaw pain, a tender jaw, headaches, ear pain, popping sounds in the ear, difficulty chewing, a stiff neck, neck aches, difficulty opening and closing the mouth and a locked jaw.

3. Do TMJ disorders lead to headaches and migraines?

Yes. These are some of the symptoms associated with the condition. TMJ can also lead to pain coming from the neck, jaw, or ears. The headaches caused by TMJ disorders are often confused with tension headaches due to their similarities.

4. Can temporomandibular joint issues lead to back pain?

Yes. TMJ problems often lead to back, neck, or shoulder pain. Anyone who is unsure about why they get reoccurring back pain should get their temporomandibular joints checked out.

5. Who can diagnose and treat TMJ disorders?

TMJ issues can be diagnosed by a doctor, dentist, otolaryngologistor an oral surgeon. There is currently no health field that is dedicated to treating TMJ disorders specifically. There are also no specific tests for diagnosing TMJ problems and that makes it tricky to diagnose.

6. What causes TMJ disorders?

The causes of TMJ disorders remain unclear. Studies currently show they are multiple factors that can lead to it. For example, an injury to the face or jaw can lead to problems with the temporomandibular joints. Habits like teeth grinding, excessive gum chewing or arthritis can do the same.

7. Can anxiety and stress lead to TMJ disorders?

Anxiety and stress can lead to physical symptoms and TMJ disorders are one of them. Stress also leads to habits like teeth grinding or obsessively chewing on hard things. Such habits can damage teeth and cause issues with the TMJ over time.

8. How are TMJ issues treated?

There are various ways to go about treating TMJ issues. Mouth exercises can help with less severe cases, while the worst cases might require a surgical approach. Treatment for TMJ problems typically starts with a less invasive approach, such as muscle relaxers and oral exercises. 

Get treatment for TMJ issues

Give us a call or visit our Houston clinic to set up an appointment with our dentist.

Request an appointment here: https://www.texandental.com or call Texan Dental, P.A. at (713) 979-4184 for an appointment in our Houston office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: TMJ Dentist in Houston, TX.

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